As a Church of England School, Religious Education (RE) is viewed as a highly valued subject and important element of the school’s curriculum.
The Christian ethos of our school is placed explicitly at the centre of Religious Education with an emphasis on Christianity whilst also teaching about other world religions, beliefs and practices.
As well as Christianity, aspects of Judaism and Sikhism will also be studied at Key Stage One, with the addition of Islam and Hinduism at Key Stage Two:
- EYFS cover Sikhism
- KS1 cover Judaism and Sikhism
- Lower KS2 cover Hinduism and Judaism
- Upper KS2 cover Islam and Sikhism
Our Whole School RE Curriculum Overview maps out ‘Big Questions’ which are taught each term for each Key Stage. Our approach to RE is enquiry-based and encourages pupils to develop curiosity, make connections, build knowledge progressively and engage with thinking about various religions and non-religious worldviews from their perspectives.