Spring Term Three

Week 1

Monday 6th January Spring Term Three begins (School opens at 8.45am)
Tuesday 7th January Class 1 and 2: Forest School
Thursday 9th January Class 3: OCMS Strings Music Tuition begins (weekly)
FoSS: Events Meeting (7.45pm) – The Old Crown Coaching Inn, Faringdon

Week 2

Monday 13th January After-School Clubs begin for Y1-6 (for 9 weeks until 27th March)
Class 4: TA Sports Stars (pm) weekly
Tuesday 14th January Class 3 and 4: Forest School
Friday 17th January School Council meeting (pm)

Week 3

Monday 20th – Friday 24th January Whole School Event: STEM Week
Tuesday 21st January Class 1 and 2: Forest School
Wednesday 22nd January Whole School Event: Bright Sparks Science Workshop
Friday 24th January (2.30-3.00pm) Whole School Event: Celebration Assembly & FoSS Stall

Week 4

Monday 27th – Friday 31st January Whole School Event: Stand By Me ‘February on the Floor’
Monday 27th January Year 3: Ball-Bearing Maze Event at FCC
Tuesday 28th January Class 3 and 4: Forest School
6.30pm: Year 6: SATS Parents Meeting (in school)
Wednesday 29th January Class 3: Hill End Parent Meeting (3.30pm – 4.00pm)

Week 5

Monday 3rd – Friday 7th February Whole School Event: Children’s Mental Health Week
Tuesday 4th February Class 1 and 2: Forest School
Wednesday 5th February FoSS: General Meeting (6.30pm) in Class 4

Week 6

Monday 10th – Friday 14th February *No After-School Clubs this week (clubs resume again on Monday 24th February)
Monday 10th & Wednesday 12th February Class 1 & 2: Parent Teacher Interviews (PTI’s) 3.30 – 6.30pm – telephone consultations
Tuesday 11th & Thursday 13th February Class 3 & 4: Parent Teacher Interviews (PTI’s) 3.30 – 6.30pm – telephone consultations
Tuesday 11th February Whole School Event: Safer Internet Day
EYFS / Year 6: National Child Measurement Programme
EYFS: Vision Screening
Class 3 and 4: Forest School
Wednesday 12th February Class 3 Visit: Stonehenge
Friday 14th February FoSS: Wear Pink or Red (non-school uniform day)
End of Spring Term Three (School closes at 3.15pm)

Spring Term Four

Week 1

Monday 24th February Spring Term Four begins (School opens at 8.45am)
Class 4: TA Sports Stars (pm) weekly
Tuesday 25th February Class 1 and 2: Forest School
Thursday 27th February Class 3: OCMS Strings Music Tuition begins (weekly)
FoSS: Events Meeting (7.45pm) – The Old Crown Coaching Inn, Faringdon
Friday 28th February (3.15 – 5.15pm) FoSS: Film Club

Week 2

Tuesday 4th March Class 3 and 4: Forest School
Thursday 6th March Whole School Event: World Book Day
Friday 7th March Whole School Event: Phonics and Reading Parents Open Morning (9.00 – 9.30am)

Week 3

Tuesday 11th & Wednesday 12th March Whole School Event: Bassistry Arts’ Music Workshop
Wednesday 12th March Class 3 & 4: Bassistry Arts Music and IT Workshop
Friday 14th March (2.30 – 3.00pm) Whole School Event: Celebration Assembly & Dedication of the School Pond to Helen Wilson (Vice Chair of the Governing Body)

Week 4

Tuesday 18th March Class 1 and 2: Forest School
Thursday 20th March Class 3 & 4: K’nex Workshop (am)
Monday 24th – Friday 28th March *Last week of After-School Clubs
Tuesday 25th March Class 3 and 4: Forest School
Wednesday 26th March FoSS: General Meeting (6.30pm) – in Class 4
Friday 28th March Whole School Event: Screen Printing Workshop

Week 6

Monday 31st March Whole School Event: Screen Printing Workshop
Wednesday 2nd April FoSS: Easter Bonnet Competition & Easter Stall
Thursday 3rd April (2.00pm) Easter Service at St Faith’s Church, Shellingford (led by Class 3)
Friday 4th April FoSS: Virtual Balloon Race
End of Spring Term Four (School closes at 1.30pm for the Easter holidays)