School Open Afternoon

On Friday 12th October we opened our doors and invited parents and family friends to come and view the school as ‘a working school.’ The children were involved in a RE Big Question Day on the topic of ‘What makes a good saint?’ Some in depth discussions and good […]

Sporting Events

We pride ourselves on giving the children competitive opportunities to compete in physical and sporting activities both at school level and inter-school level. September saw our school-based Family Group Kick Ball Rounders Competition. This is a very inclusive form of rounders and all children were involved from Foundation […]

Harvest Celebrations

Our school Harvest Service was held on Friday 28th September at St Faith’s church and led by the children in Classes 1 and 2 and the Reverend Jeremy Goulston. Thank you for your generous donations of food for The Gatehouse, a charity providing food, shelter and company to Oxford’s […]

School Values

At the start of the new academic year we have been thinking about our School Values of ‘Respect, Belonging, Creativity and Spirituality’ and how these can help us as we work, play and learn together at school. In Collective Worship we have been thinking about being respectful and courteous […]

Yenworthy Lodge Residential

The Year 5 and 6 pupils had another fantastic week away at Yenworthy Lodge, Devon. The children and staff spent the week outdoors facing some adventurous and challenging activities such as rock climbing, surfing, and kayaking. There was a great sense of team work and achievement from all the […]

Year Six Leavers’ Service

Our Year Six Leavers’ Service took place at St Faith’s church in Shellingford on Thursday 19th July. This special service was held to celebrate and prepare the Year Six pupils’ as they embark upon the next stage of their journey of life and learning. During the service, the Year […]

Sports Day

The whole school had a wonderful time at our school Sports Day. The children took part in team activities in their ‘Family Groups’ which was then followed by a series of competitive track events. Certificates were awarded for the overall winning team and to the team who demonstrated […]

The Lion King

Our summer production was again of a high standard! Congratulations to the children for two outstanding performances and to Mr Drew for leading the production. £137.10 was raised following Class 4’s recent Bake Sale and a further £172.25 was raised in donations to help cover the cost of the […]

ShWimbledon 2018!

Our ShWimbledon tennis competition this year was held over two days on: Monday 23rd June for Class 1 and 2 in school; and on Friday 29th June for Class 3 and 4 at The Faringdon Tennis Club. The event involved competitive sessions and mini coaching games for the children […]

FoSS Fun Day

Thank you to everyone who supported our Fun Day on Saturday the 16th June. The amount raised this year is in the region of a fantastic £2,131. I am sure you will join me in saying a huge thank you to the FoSS committee for organising the event and […]

Class 1 and 2 Visit: We The Curious

Class 1 and 2 had an exciting day out at Bristol’s Interactive Science Centre ‘We the Curious’ on Tuesday 5th June, to support their topic on ‘Space’. Both classes attended a ‘Destination Space’ science workshop, as well as having plenty of time to explore the hands-on exhibits. In addition, the […]

Class 3 and 4 Visit: Cotswold Wildlife Park

The children in Key Stage Two thoroughly enjoyed their visit to The Cotswold Wildlife Park on Thursday 24th May. The visit was linked to their Project Based Learning. Class 4 took a trip into the rainforest to meet squirrel monkeys, sloths and fruit bats, learn about some of the amazing […]

Ascension Day Service

On the 10th May staff and children from across the school led our Ascension Day Service at St Faith’s Church in Shellingford. The focus of the worship was on ‘Comings and Goings’ and how saying goodbye is always difficult, but how Jesus promises to be always with us. Some […]

BeSpace: prayer and reflection

We welcomed back to our school ‘BeSpace’ on the 25th and 26th April, an Oxford based charity who set up prayer and reflection spaces for school communities. The aim of BeSpace is to ‘help Christians serve their local communities through prayer and reflection spaces and exploring other ways to help […]

Easter Service

Our Easter Service was held in St Faith’s church for parents, governors and the wider school community to attend during the last week of the spring term.  Class 4 led the service and reflected on the story of salvation.  As always, the school were in good voice and raised the […]

RE Big Question Open Morning

On Monday 26th March the whole school debated the story of salvation and the meaning behind Easter.  Class 1 thought about why Christians put a cross in an Easter garden, Class 2 discussed what Christians believe about being saved, Class 3 reflected on why Christians call the day Jesus died […]

Poetry Recital

To celebrate World Poetry Day, we held a workshop and Poetry Recital’ on Friday 23rd March led by Oxfordshire based poet, James Carter.  The event was organised by Mrs Roberts and involved each class reciting poems they had learnt during the day which they then performed to parents and family […]

World Book Day Celebration

Although our World Book Day was postponed due to the snow we still managed to dress up as book characters and have some fun listening to stories on Friday 9th March.  The day culminated in our weekly Celebration Assembly when parents found out about what the children had been getting […]

  • Children on the Edge

Children on the Edge: Enterprise Weeks / Friday Fundraisers

This term we have organised a series of Enterprise Weeks and Friday Fundraising events to support the charity ‘Children on the Edge’ and to raise money for an Early Childhood Development Centre in the slums of Masese II in Uganda.

A grand total of £291.25 has been raised following Class 4’s […]

KS2 Baylab Science Workshop

Class 3 and 4 visited Baylab in Reading to participate in a Science workshop. Class 4 learnt about DNA, what it is and where it is found, and how the structure makes each person different. Class 3 thought about how science is applied to our everyday life; from the air […]

Mosaic Artist in Residence

The children had a wonderful time with Mosaic Artist Jo Webster.  Jo worked with each class on a unique piece of work based on our school values which we have installed in our school library.

Life Education Bus

The Coram Life Education Bus returned to the school for a second year to deliver sessions for all classes in Citizenship, Personal, Social and Health Education. The sessions are designed to help the children’s self-esteem, to encourage positive attitudes towards themselves and their health and for the older children to […]

Music Workshop and Serenade Event

We welcomed Marcel Pusey from the award winning ‘Bassistry Music’ to lead a ‘Live World Music’ workshop. Marcel worked with each class in an interactive, energetic and fun workshop using body rhythms, movement and dance. The children were introduced to new songs and used percussion to explore world and popular music. […]

Jonathan’s Jungle Roadshow

Class 1 and 2 had the experience of meeting and handling a variety of snakes, spiders and stick insects! This gave the children a first-hand opportunity to observe the similarities and differences between the animals and to learn about the many different types of life cycles which animals go through […]