Science Explorer Dome

We planned yet another exciting day for the children on Monday 27th February. FoSS kindly funded for Science Explorer Dome to visit the school to enrich our science curriculum and engage the children in live, hands-on chemistry experiments.

Safer Internet Day: School Open Afternoon

On the Friday 10th February we held a whole school Open Afternoon and opened our doors to parents and family friends to view the school as a ‘working school.’  The whole school had spent the day learning about internet safety.  A range of age appropriate eSafety learning activities were taught […]

Music Workshop and Serenade Event – Friday 20th January 2017

‘Wise Moves’ provided an African Drumming Workshop for the children.  All the children learnt to play different African call and response rhythms and were taught about the culture of Ghana.

The day culminated in our school Music Serenade with each class performing to parents and family friends all they had learnt […]

Clay Sculpture Workshop: 10th-14th January 2017

We welcomed Beatrice Hoffman, a local professional sculptor, art therapist and experienced tutor to the school for a week’s hands-on clay sculpture workshop for pupils in Years 3-6.  The children learnt about observation, tool use and the handling of clay and had an opportunity to sculpt animals.  The clay animals […]

  • School Games Award 2015/16

School Games Award

Our school has been awarded the ‘Silver School Games Award’ for our commitment, engagement and delivery of competitive school sport.  This is a real achievement for small schools like ours and our thanks goes to Mrs Setchell’s continued efforts in ensuring such a good range of competitive sporting activities are […]

  • Secret Reader 2016

The Secret Reader

During the first week of Autumn Term Two Mrs Roberts organised a ‘Secret Reader’ event.  Everyday a surprise member of the school or local community were invited to come along and share a favourite book with the children.  This was a huge success and an overwhelming number of children from […]

  • Science STEM Day 2016

STEM Workshop and School Open Afternoon

On the last day of the Autumn Term One, the whole school spent the day focusing on different Science and Technology challenges and working with children in different classes in their ‘Family Groups.’  This was followed by a School Open Afternoon when we opened our doors and invited parents and […]

  • Children on the Edge

Children on the Edge Project

Throughout 2016-17 Shellingford CE (A) Primary School and ‘The Simon Drew Foundation’ are working together to support the charity ‘Children on the Edge’. Over a million Syrians have been forced to flee their homes and have ended up in refugee camps in Lebanon. ‘Children on the Edge’ is working to […]

  • Harvest

Harvest Celebrations

Our Harvest Service took place on Friday 30th September at 2.00pm at St Faith’s church with the Reverend Jeremy Goulston.  It was encouraging to see so many families attend our first church service of the school year and to join us in our harvest celebrations which was led by the […]

  • Yenworthy 2016

Year 5 and 6 Yenworthy Residential

Our school year began with Year 5 and 6 heading to Devon for a fun-filled week of rock climbing, sea-kayaking, surfing as well as a number of other challenging and adventurous outdoor activities. The children and staff had yet another fantastic week away and we look forward to returning to […]

The Tempest

Our summer production of William Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ was just fantastic! Congratulations to the children for two outstanding performances and a huge ‘Thank You’ to Mr Drew in particular for leading the production.  £222.03 was raised in donations for the RNLI.

FoSS Family Fun Day

Thank you to everyone who supported this year’s Family Fun Day organised by the Friends of Shellingford School (FoSS).  The amount raised this year was an incredible £2,350! We would like to say a huge ‘thank you’ to the FoSS committee for organising the event and to all those involved […]

Her Majesty The Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations

The school and local community are still talking about the celebrations we held to mark The Queen’s 90th Birthday on the Friday 10th June. Every pupil was presented with a booklet of ‘The Servant Queen and the King She Serves’ as a commemorative gift from the school. A big luncheon […]

School Open Afternoon

On Friday 27th May we held a School Open Afternoon and welcomed parents and family friends into the school to view it as a ‘working school.’  The whole school had spent the day focusing on RE and considering a big question: ‘Do angels exist?

Big questions don’t have an easy answer […]

Stratford upon Avon and the Royal Shakespeare Company

At 8.00am on Wednesday 25th May the whole school departed for the Stratford upon Avon for the day! We had organised a very special trip which linked with the celebration of 400 years of Shakespeare’s legacy and our summer term’s topic of ‘All the World’s a Stage.’ Each class took […]

Ascension Service

We held our Ascension Day service at St Faith’s church on Thursday 5 May.  Pupils in Year 4 led the service with the help of the Reverend Jeremy Gouslton.  A special candle called the Paschal or Easter Candle was lit to remind us that Jesus had risen and was amongst […]

Storytelling Workshop

We are a storytelling school and as part of our learning we invited a local dramatist and storyteller, Roger Day, to work with the school.  Roger spent the whole day working intensively with each class developing the children’s storytelling and drama skills. The whole school was captivated with Roger’s stories […]

Easter Service

Our Easter Service was led by our youngest pupils in the school. Children from Classes 1 and 2 helped us to understand the significance of the Easter through songs, Bible readings and prayers. Parents and family friends also joined us in our end of term worship.

Sponsored Fun Run

We had a wonderful time on the day of our sponsored run on Tuesday 22nd March and the weather was just perfect! All the children give their best effort towards trying to achieve the Golden Mile and some children exceeded this distance. The total raised to date was an incredible […]

Poetry Recital

Mrs Marsh organised our annual Poetry Recital on Friday 11 March. Each class performed a poem to an audience of parents and governors. Groups of pupils and individual children were also invited to participate by choosing a favourite poem to rehearse at home and perform at the Poetry Recital. Some […]

Problem Solving and Singapore Maths: School Open Afternoon

On the 12th February we held a whole school Open Afternoon and opened our doors to parents and family friends to view the school as a ‘working school.’ The whole school had spent the day focusing on problem-solving using the Singapore Maths approach to learning. The children were incredibly proud […]

Music Serenade – Friday 22nd January 2016

After the huge success of last year’s workshop, we were thrilled to welcome back Marcel Pusey and his colleagues from the award winning ‘Bassistry Music’.   Each class worked with Bassistry Music throughout the day in a series of interactive, energetic and fun workshops using body rhythms, movement and dance.  The children […]

‘A Miracle in Town’

Our Nativity Play ‘A Miracle in Town was a delight to watch and lead by our youngest recruits in Class 1. The children sang and performed beautifully! We raised £200.43 in donations for Crisis a charity for single homeless people. FoSS provided us with savouries and hot soup, mulled wine […]

Act of Remembrance

Our Act of Remembrance and Dedication held at St Faith’s Church is always a very special service for the school. The service helps the children understand the significance of honouring those who have died in service of our country and this year our service was led by the Reverend Jeremy […]

Science and Technology Workshop and School Open Afternoon

On the 22nd October we held a whole school Science and Technology workshop in our ‘Family (mixed aged) Groups.’ The children spent the morning exploring and investigating technology and scientific challenges.

Two of our parents led activities: Mr Long ran a Robotics workshop in which children had to control and manoeuvre […]