Parents can choose for their children to opt for a cooked meal or to bring a packed lunch to school. A menu for cooked meals is sent home regularly and we request that meals are paid for in advance. Please tell us if your child is eligible to receive a free school meal, which can be provided for children of parents on certain benefits (if in doubt please ask.) If you opt for your child to bring a packed lunch, we ask that lunchboxes contain healthy and nutritious foods.
Fruit is provided free of charge for children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage One to eat at morning playtime. Children in Key Stage Two are encouraged bring in a piece of fruit.
Food and More
School meals are provided by Food and More, providers of school meals to 80% of Oxfordshire’s primary schools.
Food and More’s menu adheres to the government’s nutritional standards and follow guidelines and standards set by the School Food Trust, the Local Authority Caterers Association and the Oxfordshire Food for Health Alliance.
Download the latest menu: