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School Council

The Year 5 & 6 representatives from our School Council attended a meeting with the Faringdon Learning Trust schools. The topic of the meeting were the Six Pillars of Learning (trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship) how they were used in each school. The children represented our school well and were a real credit to Shellingford.

School Council2024-04-24T22:32:20+01:00

Shakespeare Workshop

As part of our Shakespeare Week celebrations this week, Classes 3 and 4 had the privilege of working with the company, 'Finding the Will'.  During their workshop, pupils used a variety of visualisation and drama techniques to act out key scenes from the play Macbeth.  Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the experience and gained an understanding of the plot, as well as having the opportunity to explore character at a very practical and relatable level.  What a wonderful experience for all involved!

Shakespeare Workshop2024-04-24T22:31:10+01:00

Sublime Science

For Science Week we welcomed Lesley Lightning from 'Sublime Science' for a series of workshops across the school.  The children took part in a range of experiments and demonstrations, including slime making, forces investigations and 'climate chaos' experiments.  They finished off the day with an amazing rocket show on the playground!

Sublime Science2024-04-24T22:29:49+01:00

World Book Day

We also celebrated World Book Day in March and this year we were extremely impressed with the variety of book characters. The whole school worked in small groups to create a ‘Once Upon a … Fairytale’ and co-wrote and illustrated their own adventure story.

World Book Day2024-04-24T22:28:29+01:00

Sutton Courtenay Environment Education Centre (SCEEC)

Class 1 & 2 pupils visited SCEEC, a 19 acre nature reserve with woodland, meadow and ponds which is a haven for wildlife even in the depths of winter. A skilled education team led our day, engaging our pupils’ heads, hearts and hands as they learnt respect for the natural world and how wild animals survive.

Sutton Courtenay Environment Education Centre (SCEEC)2024-03-06T15:54:34+00:00

K’Nex Workshop

Class 3 & 4 pupils were given an introduction to the exciting world of engineering by using K’Nex to produce a solution for a given problem. Mr Dorey led the workshop and the pupils experimented with structures, gears and other mechanisms while modelling their design.  The pupils were also introduced to some of the careers that are associated with STEM and some of the routes into these careers.

K’Nex Workshop2024-03-06T15:53:01+00:00

Stand by me

We are excited to now have a link to Bethany School in Ethiopia.  Throughout the year we will be exchanging communications with Bethany School and fundraising for them.  We have installed a sign-post on the field to direct our attention to the local area and to represent important people in our lives such as family and friends. It also sign-posts the direction of Bethany School in Ethiopia and their pupils and staff who will be in our hearts and minds going forward.  The School Council have also written a School Prayer for the pupils and staff at Bethany School. We are excited with this link and we will be exchanging communications, updates and photographs with Bethany School.   We are very much wanting the children to take ownership of this project and each class will be planning and promoting fund-raising initiatives throughout the year to raise money for Bethany School.   Thank you for your generous donations this week (£116.00 was raised) and everyone looked very colourful dressed in the colours of the Ethiopian flag!

Stand by me2024-03-06T15:51:22+00:00

Safer Internet Day

SAFER INTERNET DAY This year’s global theme was Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and changes online It focuses on smaller changes that can happen online and on devices every day, such as a screen pop-up, a familiar character looking different or a video clip change.  We will be discussing with the children the importance of keeping safe and who to talk to if they have an online safety concern.

Safer Internet Day2024-03-06T15:50:03+00:00
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