Our service of Remembrance and Dedication at St Faith’s Church, Shellingford on the 9th November was a very poignant occasion for the school community. The staff placed poppy pebbles for each of the 15 men named on the war memorial who lost their lives at the end of the Great War in 1918. Wreaths were laid by each class and a further wreath laid by our youngest pupil and oldest pupil in the school. The congregation were also invited to place poppy pebbles at the chancel. Two pupils in Year 6 read The Exhortation and said a prayer. Some of our Y5/6 pupils also sang ‘In Caelum Fero’ by Karl Jenkins. We would like to give a very special and heartful thanks to Mr Tom Scrivens, Mr Matt Mortiboy and Mr Bill Murray from The Royal British Legion who were in attendance and to The Reverend Tony Lynn for leading the service.
Our Poppy Appeal collection raised £108.90. Thank you, without our generous donations The Royal British Legion would be unable to continue their vital welfare and benevolent work to service men, women, and their families.